Mergers never work

Mergers Never Work – And Here’s Why

Mergers Never Work – And Here’s Why Merging your company with another seems like a great option for several reasons. Like the promise of expanded market share without much effort. If you’re a freight forwarder, for example, adding locations around the country can be a win for your business, and…

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Why Word-of-Mouth is King in Business Brokerage

The Power of Reputation and Referrals in Business Brokerage In the world of business brokerage, reputation is not just a buzzword; it’s the cornerstone of success.   Especially in some specific niches, especially in Customs Brokerage and Freight Forwarding.  At Albion Mergers and Acquisitions, we’ve harnessed the power of our reputation…

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DIY Business sale can cost you big

Why a DIY Sale of Your Business is a Costly Approach

In the world of freight forwarding and customs brokerage, selling your business is a pivotal moment… a culmination of your hard work and dedication. But as a self-made business owner your first thought is likely to sell it yourself. After all, no one knows your business better than you, right?…

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The Crucial Role of Non-Disclosure Agreements in Selling Your Business

Protect your business, your profits and your legacy while you sell. As a seasoned business owner in the customs brokerage or freight forwarding industry, you’ve likely invested countless hours and immeasurable effort into building your enterprise. Over the years, you’ve weathered economic fluctuations, navigated industry changes, and constructed a company…

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Investing in Freight Forwarding: Why Buy an Existing Business

In the ever-evolving landscape of global commerce, the freight forwarding industry stands as a critical pillar. This industry connects businesses, bridges economies, and ensures the smooth flow of goods across borders. For entrepreneurs considering diving into this lucrative arena, the question often arises: should you build a freight forwarding business…

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The Importance of Confidentiality in Business Sales: Our Approach

In the realm of mergers and acquisitions, confidentiality plays a paramount role in ensuring the success of a business sale. For companies like Albion Mergers and Acquisitions, who specialize in working with sellers in the freight forwarding and customs brokerage industries, maintaining confidentiality is not just a best practice, but…

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The Best Questions to Ask a Business Broker

If you own a customs brokerage or freight forwarding business and want to sell, there are some general…and some specific questions you should ask your prospective business broker or M&A specialist.  We’re going to break those down here and prepare you to hire the best sales organization to help you…

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How do you value a company?

Trying to figure out a company’s fair market value can be a challenging feat. However, there are many reasons why this may be necessary. As a business owner, you may be looking to merge with another company, considering a partnership, or you may simply want to see how your business…

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